Nestled in the town of Giverny, France lies the home and garden of impressionist Claude Monet. One step inside and you can literally walk through Monet’s paintings and tiptoe through his famous waterlilies.
Domaine De La Corniche
If you’re looking for a quaint hotel down the street from Monet’s Giverny look no further than Domaine De La Corniche. This lovely hotel is classically French, overlooking the Seine river with it’s picturesque views and quaint buildings
Hotel le Mouton Blanc
The best way to visit the UNESCO World Heritage site of Mont Saint Michel is to stay overnight in one of the historic lodges on the island itself. By doing so, you’ll have the unique opportunity to see the island without tourists and explore the cobblestone walkways while they’re virtually empty at night! It makes an already magical visit even more magical. Come explore the whimsical hotel that is Hotel le Mouton Blanc.
Chateau Chambord
Castle Chambord was originally built in 1519 under Francois the 1st as a hunting retreat and grew during the reign of many of the ruling Louis’s of the day. It’s a true wonder to see. You can find this gem in the Loire Valley of France among the many chateaus scattered throughout the region. Chateau Chambord is by far the best of the chateaus is the area and should be top of your list when picking which ones to see!